
注意!Adobe雲端儲存空間之已刪除文件保留期限更改(Creative Cloud Deleted File Retention Period Change)

公告類型: 行政公告
點閱次數: 400
若您有使用Adobe雲端儲存空間,請留意:Adobe為了優化您的雲端儲存空間容量,針對已刪除的檔案實施一個新政策:自2023年6月4日起,新刪除的文件將保留 30 天後永久刪除。在此之前,如刪除的檔案在「已刪除」文件夾中儲存超過 30 天的文件也將被永久刪除。

1. 查看已刪除文件夾中的所有文件並恢復您希望保留的文件。
2. 自行永久刪除文件以恢復雲端儲存空間的儲存空間,參考這裡。
3. 什麼都不做,由Adobe管理您已刪除的檔案保留事宜。

南臺科技大學計算機與資訊網路中心 敬啟
Dear all,
In order to optimise your cloud storage capacity, Adobe is implementing a new process for deleted files in Creative Cloud storage. Starting 4 June 2023, newly deleted files will be retained for 30 days and then permanently removed. Deleted files stored for over 30 days in the Deleted folder prior to this date will also be permanently removed. You may not see these changes right away.

Here’s what to do next:
Review all files in your Deleted folder and recover those you wish to keep.
Permanently delete files on your own to recover storage quota here.
Do nothing and the new process will begin to manage retention of your deleted files.

STUST Computer and Information Network Center
發布日期: 2023/05/09 至 2023/06/04